Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Lovemarks: Rice Krispies Cereal

The lovemarks marketing concept was first publicized by Kevin Roberts, CEO of Saatchi & Saattchi, in his book Lovemarks. Roberts believes that love is what's needed in order for companies to flourish, that extreme loyalty for a brand is created through emotional connections with the customers that evoke love and respect. In our media today, we unknowingly see plenty of lovemark advertising. An example of this marketing concept in application would be this Rice Krispies Cereal commercial. What better way to reel in some customers than by tapping into their emotions?

To summarize, the commercial was basically a cute little daughter getting excited over her bowl of Rice Krispies that her mother was feeding her. A heartwarming scene, but as for the contents of every advertisement, there is a reason the advertisers used this as their commercial (I'm sure you knew that, champ). This commercial was primarily targeted at parents and arguably, small children. So if this didn't exactly strike you in the feels then don't be surprised, you're not the emotionless monster you may think you are. But I digress, this commercial forms a clear emotional connection with parents because after seeing this, a parent is likely to reflect on how deeply they love their diabolical offspring. A parent may think, "Wow Rice Krispies, you really care about the wellbeing of my relationship with my child. You understand. I need you in my life." The parent respects the brand for caring so deeply, for caring on such a personal level for the parent and their child. Never again will parents buy those godforsaken Cocoa Puffs or those demonic Fruit Loops. Not today Toucan Sam, you're out of luck. It's Rice Krispies's time to shine.

As for small children, they may see this commercial and think that by eating Rice Krispies, they'll instantly have a deep bonding experience with mommy or daddy. Of course they will, the happy mother and daughter in the commercial promise such an event. And because of this emotional connection being made with said child, because it causes the child to think about how much they love mom and dad, it brings the child to be loyal to the product being advertised.

I won't lie, as a small chid I would see commercials such as these and I'd wish that there was a box of the cereal in the house so that my mom and I could make Rice Krispies Treats. Sure, it sounds silly, but we all fall victim to advertisements here and there, and as for myself, these Rice Krispies lovemarks would definitely get me.

Deviating from a focus on lovemarks, there is an obvious advertising technique I'd like to address in this commercial. This technique would be the clearly illuminated box of cereal sitting in an all grey scene. Plain and simple, this illumination draws the viewers in and makes them focus on the Rice Krispies. And although the cereal may be figuratively brightening up the mother and daughter's morning by bringing them joy, the contrast of color literally brightens up their morning as well. So this commercial is just conveying the idea that Rice Krispies will bring you happiness.

Thanks for reading and may you also be exposed to some form lovemark advertising today. And remember, give into the craving. It's always the right thing to do.


  1. OMG I honestly got goosebumps watching that commercial, it's so sweet. Definitely pulled on my Pathos. I also noticed the illuminated box on all the grey- it put your attention on the cereal, while also making you feel something.

  2. First things first (I'm a realist, jk), kudos to your writing especially in the first two paragraphs. As a reader, you really captured my attention mainly through your sarcastic humor. I feel that everything is all the more convincing when you can make your audience WANT to read your article

    Secondly, I feel like a have a pretty great understanding of Lovemark. All I I previously recalled from the top of my head of Lovemark was to the strategy to cause people to love and need their products. Now that I not only remember the Cheerios commercial in the video, but also this SOOO ADORABLE little mother and daughter experience with Rice Krispies Cereal Commercial provides such an accurate representation of Lovemark.
